Nano Soft
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Web application design and development.
Web application design and development.
The field of designing and developing web applications is one of the most important areas that Nanosuq focuses on, as it develops all its systems in the form of web applications that can work on the Internet and in addition to that, Nanosoft is interested in other matters and departments in this field, namely: -
1- Website design and development. - Design fully dynamic websites - Designing flexible websites with beautiful interfaces and easy to use, and we are working on more than one format for one site - When designing websites, Nanosoft takes into account the appearance of the site on various devices and displays Nanosoft takes into account its design of websites, SEO standards, to improve the appearance of the site on search engines Nanosoft has designed several different websites (Falcon Real Estate Website - Hateen Charitable Foundation Website - Al Maher Restaurants Website - Al Shoukhi Charitable Foundation Website .....)
2🔸 - Designing the service systems that operate on the web environment.
👈 Nanosoft has developed several service systems across the web dedicated to some different agencies and institutions. These systems carry out a set of management activities and issue specific reports under certain conditions and rules through an administrative control panel. - Among these bodies (Hateen Charitable Foundation - Al Shukhi Charitable Foundation - The Right Consulate in Jazan ...)
3-🔸 Web hosting We at Nanosoft offer the best solutions in the field of web hosting, as we have sufficient experience to determine the optimal hosting for your website
4 - Providing email services and reserving domains